

Fall 2023


Branding for UX/Design Systems


Courtney Spencer

Florists often need more accurate inventory records, leading to stockouts and customer dissatisfaction. To address this, I’ve designed a specialized Inventory Management System, informed by formative research on the challenges faced, primary research into market trends, and secondary research through interviews and surveys. The solution not only streamlines inventory tracking but also includes educational elements to empower florists and enhance the overall shopping experience for customers.


App Prototype of 1 user goal

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Problem: Lack of Effective Inventory Management

Hypothesis → Diving Deeper

Initially, I focused on software and education gaps in florist websites' inventory management. However, research revealed a deeper issue: the crucial need for a unified and seamless inventory management system. This includes integrating multiple inventories and providing timely notifications for stock and updates to employees and employers.

Solution: Designing an Inventory Management System

Based on initial research

A fully customizable inventory management system for florists designed to provide valuable insights and education on floral arrangements. This solution enhances inventory management and elevates the shopping experience.

In depth research

Based on initial research

  • Formative Research: Identifying the problem and understanding florists’ challenges in managing inventory.
  • Primary Research: Conducting market analysis to gather insights into industry trends and demands.
  • Secondary Research: Recorded interviews and surveys to understand florists’ pain points and needs better.

I am sharing this from my notes because I want you to know that being hung up and not wanting to talk about their business is bound to happen throughout this process. I know that anxiety can stop you from doing an in-person interview, which was the case for me, but I had to do it. Interestingly enough, people are less likely to decline if you go in person to meet up and ask questions. Be a customer at the end of the interview to support their business for the time they gave you to interview them.

The United States is the biggest consumer of cut flowers globally, spending $1.83 Billion annually.
User Persona


I began the project by considering multiple user personas, including Florists, Floral Farmers/Suppliers, and Customers. However, to streamline the project’s focus, I narrowed it down to a single user persona, with the current emphasis squarely on understanding and addressing the specific needs of Florists and improving their overall experience.

Key Needs

From Interviews

  • Comprehensive inventory management with documentation of notes
  • Digitized delivery checklist and ticket.
  • Delivery tracking and other information
  • Multiple inventories for different product/merchandise types.
  • Accessibility considerations.
  • Notifications management system.
  • User-friendly interface for both older and newer employees.
Design Phase


I started by identifying the devices used for an inventory management system. To do this, I looked at commonly used restaurant systems and similar setups to understand what a standard POS (Point of Sale System) looks like. Based on the insights and needs of florists, I created a barebones system that followed the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) method. The goal was to make it easier for florists to quickly identify and understand information while syncing all the moving parts.

Designing a POS system requires extensive research and user testing. That would be the next step in the project. However, I could only design a simplistic web version of this concept due to time constraints.

Testing and Revision

A back and forth process

I would have preferred to conduct user testing with florists, but unfortunately, I only managed to test it with graphic design students and non-design personnel. While reviewing the research notes and feedback, I needed to include a crucial element: an overview of essential information within each category to enhance productivity and efficiency. Additionally, some of the feedback I received suggested the need to provide contextual information on each screen to facilitate the training of new employees.

Based on user testing, I completed the UI design. One significant improvement was reorganizing information into category blocks for easy reading.

Design System

Accessibility Inclusive

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What Next

Self Reflection of it

Impact on Florists and Customers

The project aims to revolutionize how florists handle inventory and interact with customers, offering a user-friendly system with built-in employee training modules. The goal is to increase productivity, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

Beyond This Project

Future steps involve developing additional user goals and improving the inventory management system’s foundation. Extensive research into other industry stakeholders, such as suppliers and farmers, is recommended to create a more accurate and comprehensive design system.


Here is my Introduction and the questions I asked the florist:

Yes, I wrote down my Introduction because I get anxious when calling or talking to someone new and tend to over-explain things, and that is not something you’d want to do in your interview with a user, mainly if they have limited time for you.